Ride 'Em Cowboys

This past month, Grammy and I moseyed on down South - way South to visit my Aunt Trina in Texas. I had never been there before, but, let me tell, you everything is bigger and better in Texas. Sadly, I didn't get to venture as much as I liked. Grammy was allergic to Texas apparently, and she spent the majority of our trip feeling sick. I tried to make her feel better one day by pretending to puke in the toilet alongside her.

With Grammy not feeling well, my Aunt Trina got to spend even more time with me. Lucky lady! We played a lot of chase - she chased me around her house, the grocery, the cowboy store. You name it - she probably chased me there. Since I am such a cute kid, I even got a gift for my crazy antics. I came home with an awesome cowboy hat and cool cowboy boots to match. They are the perfect accessories for when I'm hanging out with my riding cow. Texas - I look forward to coming back and seeing more!